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General Terms and Conditions

Version of 26.04.2024

1.    Scope of application

These general terms and conditions (hereinafter "GTC") apply to all products (see section 2 below) offered by Learn Handball AS, Vardeveien 52b, 1182 Oslo, Norway, Company registration number NO 917 044 805 MVA (hereinafter "Provider"), via its website and its app (hereinafter collectively "Learn Handball"). Any general terms and conditions of the user of Learn Handball (hereinafter "Customer") do not apply to the legal relationship with the Provider.   

The GTC form an integral part of every contract between the Provider and the Customer (hereinafter also referred to jointly as the "Parties"). Any deviating terms and conditions must be agreed in writing.

The version of the GTC valid at the time the contract is concluded shall apply. The provider expressly reserves the right to amend the GTC at any time.

2.    Product

Learn Handball offers several hundred instructive handball videos and ready-made training plans for the entire handball season. The training plans can be edited and your own videos can be added to the existing exercise library. Players and co-coaches can be added to teams in the club overview. This makes it possible to share videos (with players) and training plans (with coaches). The customer can purchase Learn Handball as an individual user, club subscription or premium subscription (hereinafter "subscription"). The main differences between the subscriptions - apart from the price - are

  • A single user (called a "trainer") only has access to a single age group.
  • A club with a club subscription (called "club") can activate access for a maximum of 10 coaches. Each coach has access to a maximum of one team (age group).
  • A club with a Premium subscription (called "Premium Club") can give an unlimited number of coaches access to the system and each coach gets access to an unlimited number of teams (or age groups).

Users of the service are divided into two categories: Coaches and players.

Only coaches can be the administrator of a team in Learn Handball and upload content and add users to the app. To become an administrator, the coach must either have signed a subscription contract directly with Learn Handball or have received permission from another person in the same club to be a coach and administrator of a team.
It is the coach who can add players and co-coaches under the individual team. Information that needs to be entered about players is name and phone number. Players who are added will receive an SMS from Learn Handball to the phone number provided with information on how to download the app and log in.

The individual trainer and administrator agrees to the following and is responsible in particular for the following points:

  • Obtain the consent of players you wish to add to your team in the app. If the players are under 16 years of age, special consent must be obtained from their parents or guardians before entering the individual player in the app.
  • All content that is uploaded and shared in the app. Only handball videos may be uploaded. Uploading inappropriate and/or legally unauthorised videos is strictly prohibited.
  • When uploading videos, the consent of those involved in the video must be obtained before uploading and sharing in the app.
  • The consent of the licence holder must be obtained when uploading third-party videos.

    Players who are added to the app can only view content. They cannot upload or share videos, send messages or add other users to the app.

3.    Conclusion of contract

The contract between the Customer and the Provider is concluded as soon as the Customer has created a user account for Learn Handball. By creating the user account, the Customer accepts the use of the Provider's product, its conditions and the validity of these GTC. The contract is supplemented by the applicable legal provisions.  

4.    Prices and terms of payment

The price is the total price paid by the Customer for the use of Learn Handball in accordance with the selected subscription as per Art. 2 above. The price for a subscription can be found on the website. The price includes all fees, taxes and ancillary costs. The customer is not liable for any additional costs that the provider did not inform the customer of before the purchase. 

The selected subscription is due for payment after a trial period of 30 days. As a rule, payment is made by charging the credit card specified when the user account was created. In the case of a club subscription or Premium Club Subscriber, payment is made by invoice, payable within 14 days.

5.    Terms of delivery

Delivery has taken place when the Customer has access to Learn Handball (see Art. 3). The Provider is obliged to provide the services in connection with Learn Handball for the agreed and paid period. 

Updates to the services associated with Learn Handball may result in system failures or errors. Learn Handball undertakes to restore the service as quickly as possible. 

The content of Learn Handball corresponds at all times to the product listed on The customer is responsible for checking the product.

6.    Contract duration

The contract is concluded for an indefinite period. The contract ends upon cancellation by the customer. Cancellation can be declared to the provider at any time by means of a clear declaration by e-mail.  

7.    Rights of the provider in the event of late payment by the customer

If the Customer does not pay or fulfil the obligations arising from the contract or the law and this is not attributable to the Provider or the Provider's circumstances, the Provider may withhold the services in connection with Learn Handball or assert corresponding statutory rights, e.g. interest on arrears and any collection fees. 

8.    Privacy policy

The person responsible for processing the personal data collected is the provider. Unless the customer authorises otherwise, the provider may only collect and store the personal data that the seller needs to fulfil the obligations arising from the contract. The customer's personal data will only be passed on to third parties if it is necessary for the fulfilment of the contract or if it is required by law. Further information can be found in our privacy policy at, which is expressly reserved.

9.    Liability

The provider excludes any liability to the extent permitted by law.
Users are legally responsible for the content they publish on Learn Handball. The Provider does not check the content that the Customer uploads, makes available or transmits on Learn Handball. The Provider declines any legal responsibility for this content.
Learn Handball is not liable for any loss or injury of any kind in connection with the performance of training exercises contained in the app.

10. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction

All contractual relationships between the parties, including these GTC, are subject to Norwegian law.
The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes between the parties is the registered office of the provider.

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