⚡️ My Playground by Sander Sagosen ⚡️

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Without hesitation, Sander Sagosen has taken new steps in his career and has become a maestro who masters all phases and facets of the game.
We want to see more girls and boys reach all the way from Norwegian youth handball to the biggest global stage.
Inspiration is great. Instruction is better.
Learn Handball is proud to present a complete guide to Sagosen, by and including the star himself. In this collection of videos, he breaks down his game into individual elements that can be studied and learned. How do you time a double frog? How and why do you explode out of a left-right feint? How do you set up a wing player?
Sander Sagosen shows and explains all his signature moves. Moves that win duels and battles for the team. Join us at Sander Sagosen's playground.
Log in to Learn Handball to see all the exercises.