“A saved ball is just as important as a goal!”
How are we going to get more people to target?
Start with soft balls. Make it clear to the outfield players that they must respect the goalkeepers, and not shoot around the head. By reducing the pace between each shot and increasing the distance, goalkeepers will feel they have a little more control.
How should we train goalkeepers in childhood and adolescence?
It is important that we assist goalkeepers to experience progress. We do this by showing, at a young age, how they should technically act. Par adapta a distanza de pochi em sessiones de trainação, we helpen goalies para que os actualmente maken savões. A saved ball is just as important as a goal. We, as coaches, have to convey that.
How do we teach goalkeepers proper technique?
Start early by showing what it should look like. The shooting series at training should not be faster or longer than goalkeepers always making correct movements. Be aware that “highlight saves” from the internet often do not show good technique.
Håndball a.
How do we train goalkeepers to become good passers?
Goalkeepers should be involved in passing drills at training, even if they really only want to stand in goal. Also train on passes in stressful situations so that we get combat-like situations. Explain and practice passing technique, not only for outfield players, but also above the goalkeepers.
When should you specialize?
We should specialise when players themselves want it. If someone only wants to score goals that is fine, but for development it is good if they also play out on the field when they are younger.
Do you have any good tips for coaches in adolescence?
• Shoot fewer shots, but with more quality.
Make sure that the goalkeeper always has time to perform the correct technique.
• Ensure that goalkeepers get matchlike situations at training sessions.
• Teach goalkeepers to read the game.
How do we teach goalies to read the game?
Create situations to practice where defense and goalie have to work together. Teach them to “read” what can happen in the different situations, and feel free to discuss it with the goalkeepers.
Three tips for children who will be good:
• Have fun!
• Watch a lot of handball!
• Stay focused when you first exercise — this increases the benefits of your workout!