Overstepping - When the damage has occurred

In order to reduce pain, limit the extent of damage, and have the best possible basis for a good and speedy rehabilitation, we encourage you to follow the PRICE principle in case of ankle overstrain.
In the event of a visible misalignment of the foot or ankle, immediately consult an emergency office/doctor for assessment.
NOTE: Do not try to correct it!
Treatment in case of overstrain:
Take the athlete off the track and start PRICE processing immediately. Read more about the PRICE protocol here.
- Restrict the movement of the damaged area. Use caution when removing shoes and socks.
- Support bandage/compression. Compression is the most important thing.
- Use ice bag for 15-20 min, in two turns
- Place the ankle higher than the heart
- Avoid straining the ankle for the first 24 hours. Use crutches if necessary.
Get started as quickly as possible again with regular movement and gradually increased load. Swelling and pain are indicators of how much you can strain your ankle in the days after a heavy overstep.
Feel free to ride an exercise bike with zero load (15-20 min daily). Provides mobility in the ankle. This promotes the healing process.
A little pain is not dangerous, but with increased swelling, the ankle is overloaded. Regulate the load.